San Fransisco, CA: SC Magazine, the leading source of specialist information and intelligence in the field of IT security has given Hexnode a rating of 4.75 out of 5 in SC Labs Product Reviews for Mobile Device Management and Unified Endpoint Management with perfect scores for Features, Performance, Support and Value for Money.
In SC Lab’s group tests, several products are analyzed on the basis of some predetermined set of standards (performance, ease of use, features, documentation, support, and value for money). The judgement and interpretation of the tester were also taken into consideration for the final conclusions and ratings. They are further validated by the SC Media Review team. After such crucial analysis, Hexnode was given the verdict that it makes enterprise-wide Endpoint Management a surmountable task.
The report highlighted Hexnode’s geofencing capabilities, Apple Configuration support and Telecom Expense Management features. Hexode’s report management features were said to increase visibility which proves to be a crucial element of mobility management. The report concluded by stating that Mobile Device Management is no easy task and solutions like Hexnode made it easier.
In addition to this achievement, Hexnode was recently featured in Solutions Review’s list of Five Mobility Management vendors to Watch in 2020, Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice and MarketandMarkets Mobile Device Management Market report as well.
About Mitsogo Inc.
Mitsogo Inc. is a leading provider of Endpoint Management and Security solutions. Hexnode MDM, the award-winning Unified Endpoint Management platform from Mitsogo has been helping organizations in 100+ countries stay agile and competitive in an increasingly mobile world. From SMBs to Fortune 500s, enterprises of all sizes have leveraged Mitsogo’s prowess in device management to drive business productivity and compliance. With both cloud and on-premise hosting options to choose from, Mitsogo’s solutions adapt to the most complex of business environments.