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What are the components of MDM?

Mobile Device Management is a type of security software that allows companies to manage and secure devices used by their employees and make sure that they adhere to corporate policies. The different key components of an MDM solution are as follows.

Configuration management: An MDM should be able to configure policies and apply them on the device through OTA (Over-The-Air) transmission. So, an IT admin can avoid physically handling the device and rather use an MDM.

Risk Management: Trying to recover your missing or stolen device can be a daunting task. If the corporate data within the device is accessed by an unauthorized person, the repercussions could be dire. With an MDM, you can track its location or in the worst case wipe the device, helping you avoid a nerve-wracking experience.

Asset Management: Details such as compliance status, corporate resources accessed by the device can be monitored. MDM can also keep track of the device owner, department, and much more.

Device Troubleshooting: If the user runs across any problems with their devices, an MDM solution allows the IT admin to monitor and troubleshoot the device remotely.

Kiosk Management: Configuring a device to be a POS, an Informational kiosk or digital signage is a convenient feature from an MDM solution.

Compliance Enforcement: Almost every company will have certain compliance policies that have to be enforced onto the devices connected to its network. With an MDM you can check whether the device is compliant with the policies set by the corporate.

Device Security: An MDM solution helps enforce the organization’s security policies. Most MDM solutions also offer device encryption features to keep the content secure.