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How to retrieve feedbacks from OEMConfig apps?

OEMConfigs are apps developed by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) that helps IT admins manage device functionality using Android Enterprise Managed app configurations. When using Managed app configuration with OEMConfig apps, determining whether or not the configurations have been correctly deployed to the device is quite challenging. In 2019, Android announced the App feedback channel as a way for apps to communicate to the end-user.

The working of the feedback channel was really simple.

  • First, a configuration is deployed to the device through an EMM or UEM.
  • The device receives these instructions and tries to apply the configurations.
  • Based on the state of the applied configurations, the app generates a keyed state. A keyed state contains a key, which is a unique identifier for the app state, and a message describing the app state.
  • The EMM or UEM can retrieve this keyed state and show feedback messages based on the key value. For example, if a configuration is done successfully, a “success” feedback or status can be shown.

Feedbacks from OEMConfig apps are also similar to this; the only difference is that each configuration sent corresponds to a device functionality, and the feedback helps the admins know whether or not a device functionality is properly configured.

Hexnode can help you retrieve app feedback very easily. Just select the device on which the app feedback is required, select the app and request feedback. There might be a delay of 30 minutes or more to retrieve the feedback once it is requested. Note that you can only send app feedback requests to a device three times per day.