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How Apple Business Manager enables BYOD?

Before discussing how ABM allows BYOD, let us see what it takes an organization to switch to BYOD.
For an organization to implement BYOD it should be able to remotely—

  • Enroll devices into its network
  • View activity and restrict devices
  • Give access to corporate data based on their role
  • Push necessary apps and content.
  • Containerize corporate and personal data

Coming to ABM, Apple Business Manager has 4 major areas

  1. Activity:
    ABM allows viewing activity or statuses of devices remotely by signing in with the account that has privileges to view activities. Can either view the information or download the log file for additional info. Details of activity include the name, status, and date/time of the event.
  2. People:
    You can create Managed Apple IDs which are organizationally owned Apple IDs. Managed Apple IDs are the key to giving access to certain Apple services as well as the ability to administer areas of Apple Business Manager.
  3. Devices:
    Adding devices is one of the important parts of ABM which can be done using Apple Configurator2. Once the devices are in ABM you will need to assign or sync them to your UEM solution.
    ABM also allows for User Enrollment which is specifically designed by Apple for BYOD. A user can enroll their device either from Managed Apple IDs or Microsoft Azure AD credentials and separate volumes for personal and corporate data are automatically created. Organizations will have only a limited set of restrictions that can be applied on devices added via User Enrollment.
  4. Content:
    ABM allows you to buy apps like MS Office or books easily and when the content is acquired it can be deployed to devices using some UEM. Connecting ABM to your organization’s UEM will allow for content deployment and automatic app deployment.

When used in conjugation with a capable UEM like Hexnode you can also reap the benefits of containerization. Hexnode allows for the control of flow between corporate and personal data.

Thereby, we can see that Apple Business Manager, with the help of a UEM solution, provides all the necessary tools and features for the said requirements of BYOD implementation.